Oct 31 was supposed to be the happiest day of the month (salary time) but it was in contrary to what I expected.
After work on the 31st of Oct., I went straight to western union to send my money remittance to the Philippines. Before leaving the office, I secured the envelope where the whole amount was being kept. The money was intact that's why I proceeded to my destination which is Enjaz remittance center in Al Khobar( western union affiliate). I arrived there exactly when salah started (routine prayer schedule for muslim). As usual, I stood infront of the enjaz main door while waiting for the opening of the establishment. While waiting and standing in the que, I kept my eyes on my pocket securing the envelope while laughing with my friend who arrived that moment. The salah was finished and everybody were hurried to find their respective places in the que going to cashier (pushing each other). When I reached the interior of the establishment, I immediately filled up the form and went back to the que again. I'am about to pick up the money from my pocket, but its all gone (shit!.. heaven forgive me for the word). I was in speechless mode (thats the money I earned for the past month). Everyone were sympathytic especially the kabayan who happened to be there to send their remittances to their respective families back home.